Yorkshire Circus

Welcome to The Home
For Circus In Yorkshire!

Yorkshire Circus is a vibrant and expanding social circus agency dedicated to fostering community engagement, empowerment, and skill development through the enchantment of circus arts. 

We produce large-scale performances, creative workshop packages, and actively collaborate with schools and communities to bring the transformative power of circus skills to young people. 

Additionally, we provide crucial support and development opportunities for circus artists, contributing to the sustainability and flourishing circus arts community in the North of England. 

Experience the magic of the circus at your event, whether you’re looking to captivate a crowd with unique attractions or create a complete circus-themed extravaganza. Our dedicated team specializes in producing unforgettable events and remarkable performances that will truly set your event apart.

Facepainting Leeds Facepainter in Leeds

As the home for circus in Yorkshire, our mission is to support the vibrant, skilful and passionate circus community across Leeds and Yorkshire.
We achieve this through:

  • Developing talent with training and professional development with expert teachers.
  • Creating well-paid employment opportunities for professional circus artists.
  • Maintaining a circus training space which is accessible to circus artists in Leeds for a low cost.
  • Advocating for circus in the culture of Yorkshire!

Want to get into circus? 

There are many ways to begin!